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Apply now for the EUCOPAS-PROTEUS Summer School 2017

Apply now! MA Students in Political Science from the University of Cologne have now the possibility to apply for the EUCOPAS-PROTEUS Summer School 2017.

The seminar is embedded into an interdisciplinary and international event bringing together advanced students from all over Europe. It combines the application of political and legal knowledge with elements of a simulation exercise (Moot Court) and a summer school. Every participant has the possibility to practice real-life situations in English by performing a specific role in a Moot Court on the challenges of partnership agreements.

The seminar takes place in Brussels, 12-16 June 2017. The topic is: Attached, detached, unmatched: alternative partnerships beyond EU membership. Deadline for application is 3 March 2017. Please have a look at www.proteus.uni-koeln.de and Klips for further information on the application process. For further questions please contact Aline Bartenstein (aline.bartensteinSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de).

The programme is carried out in collaboration with EUCOPAS. You want to get some impressions of last year's summer school? Check out www.eucopas.uni-koeln.de and www.facebook.de/eucopas

EUCOPAS is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.