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EUCOPAS- Call for application

On 19 and 20 January 2017 the joint EUCOPAS PhD Workshop 2017 takes place at Sciences Po Paris. Interested PhD students and young doctors can now apply.

PhD students and young doctors of the field of European studies can now apply for the EUCOPAS- PhD Workshop 2017 "Being a member of the EU: pros & cons" from 19 to 20 January 2017 at Sciences Po Paris. It gives young scientists the chance to discuss their work on challenges of European politics and the EU's way of dealing with them with peers and senior academic colleagues. Possible topics to be addressed are the economic crisis, migration fluxes or geopolitical tensions. Applications are possible until 15 November 2017.


How to apply:

Please send a short abstract of 500 words to Léonore Marteville in the Centre d’études européennes (leonore.marteville@sciencespo.fr) describing the research questions, data, methods, and expected findings. The propositions must meet the criteria such as excellence and thematic proximity to the seminar.


Proposals from all domains of social sciences are eligible.

The best paper will be published in Politiques europénnes.

Part of the costs are covered.

Please read the call for application for further information or visit the EUCOPAS homepage