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M.A. "European and International Affairs" - Istanbul

Still looking for the right M.A. for you? Applications are open for the Master Program of "European and International Affairs" at the Türkisch-Deutsche Universität in Istanbul. Have a look!

Programme Description 

The Master of Arts in “European and International Affairs” offers its students a unique academic and professional experience through a two – year study programme which is not only set in Istanbul – a metropolis which was and still is a home of many cultures – but also enables students to experience the most important and dynamic centres of European Politics, i.e. Paris, Brussels and Berlin, in both their academic, political and cultural facets. The first year is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach which provides future graduates with variety of perspectives for analysing the European Integration process as well as developments dealing with International Affairs as students get the opportunity to engage in an in-depth analysis of contemporary European and International Politics, History, Law and Economics. Depending on their former expertise, students are able to deepen their understanding in their respective fields by interacting with a highly heterogeneous and qualified student body and well known teaching staff. The programme as such receives its unique emphasis by its focus on both Turkey’s and Germany’s role in the European and International arena as well as study trips to Paris, Brussels and Berlin which is an essential element of the 3rd term. Here, participants have an exclusive chance to get into direct contact with national, European and International key actors.

Zum Studium des Masterstudiengangs „European and International Affairs“ wird ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in einem der folgenden Fächer/Studiengänge vorausgesetzt: Verwaltungswissenschaften/Public Administration, Politikwissenschaften, Internationale Beziehungen, European Studies, Soziologie, VWL, Rechtswissenschaft und verwandte Studiengänge.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the MA “European and International Affairs” are able to conduct independent, scientific research within the scope of European Integration and International Relations. Due to the varieties of approaches the programme offers students are skilled to analyse European and international developments from various perspectives. Thus the master can be considered as an ideal preparation for a PhD, but also a career in public administration, international organizations, public or private research institutes or think tanks. An employment in European institutions or consulting companies is also possible. In addition, graduates will distinguish themselves from others by means of the professional skills they will acquire through the study trips as well as via the contacts to experts and professionals they will establish during the 3rd term abroad.


Institut Für Sozialwissenschaften Studienjahr 2018/2019 Master-Studiengänge Zulassungsvoraussetzungen und Kontingente. Für mehr Details hier klicken.