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Harun Suratlı, M.A.

Harun Suratlı is Executive Manager and Research Associate at CETEUS, University of Cologne. He is Programme Manager for the establishment of the Bachelor Politics and International Affairs at the Turkish German University in Istanbul, which is funded by the DAAD. Additionally, he is managing the EU funded project TRACK and PROTEUS, which is funded by Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds. He has been working for CETEUS since 2020.

Previously, he worked at the Centre for Europe at Stiftung Mercator and as Project Manager at the German-Turkish Youth Bridge. Harun Suratlı graduated from the RWTH Aachen University in 2018 with a Master of Arts in European Studies and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in History and Social Science from the University of Wuppertal. During the Bachelor's Programme he did an Internship at the European Parliament in Brussels.


  • TDU - Die Türkisch-Deutsche Universität
  • TRACK - Teaching and Researching the European Council
  • PROTEUS - Programm für einen Orientierungskurs in Recht und Politik des EU-Systems